Weather and Lightning Policy
Colorado United follows the South Suburban Parks and Recreation policy for inclement weather. Should the fields close prior to 3 pm, this website and the club's social media accounts,, will be updated accordingly. Should inclement weather arrive after 3 p.m. it becomes the coach's discretion whether to have practice or not. Please keep in mind that it may be inclement in one area of town, but not at practice sites, and weather conditions can change quickly. Coaches or team managers should follow up with the team should practice gets cancelled.
Lightning Safety
Coaches, please use the Perry Weather Website Link . If you don’t have a smartphone, have a parent on your team be responsible for monitoring.
What to do?
The human body’s ability to maintain heat is significantly less efficient than its ability to lose heat. Any warm object, like a human being, will lose heat when exposed to cold air, because we cool faster than we warm. Adding wind speed to colder temperatures rapidly increases body cooling. Wind chill temperature is how cold people feel when outside, taking into consideration the effect of existing wind speed.
This table demonstrates that a cool temperature easily becomes much cooler with the addition of wind. This can be very dangerous for our young athletes who are playing outdoors in these conditions.
It is important to note that the following guidelines for activity and associated limitations apply only in the absence of precipitation and age considerations. Precipitation, most notably rain and snow, will affect the risk of environmental cold injury. It is unclear in the literature at exactly what rate of rain or snowfall, in conjunction with the air temperature and wind speed, conditions become unsafe.
However, it is clear that precipitation significantly increases the risk of environmental cold injury. Therefore, in weather conditions involving precipitation, decisions about participation restrictions will be made by the on-site athletic trainer on a case-by-case basis considering current weather conditions. This will take into account available shelter, on-site warming capabilities, and active
precipitation. Also, consideration for activity modification or cancellation will be made by the on-site athletic trainer based on participants’ age since younger athletes can be more vulnerable to environmental cold injuries.
If an athletic trainer is unavailable, it is the responsibility of the on-site coach to monitor the weather conditions. The on-site coach may designate a weather watcher if unable to check weather conditions on a regular basis. The weather watcher/coach will utilize WeatherBug®, Storm by Weather Underground mobile app, or equivalent resource which provides live and forecast data on hyperlocal weather to determine location temperatures.
Cold weather practice recommendations:
Administrative Regulation: Outdoor Competition Cold Weather
Thank you for your time and adherence to these measures. For more information on Lightning Safety and Outdoor Sports Activities, visit this link:
For additional information visit the National Weather Services for Lightning Safety
Phone: 303-797-0055
Fax: 303-797-6536
Hours of Operation:
Tuesday-Thursday: 10:00am - 4:00pm
Friday: By Appointment
Saturday-Monday: CLOSED
Phone: 303-797-0055
Fax: 303-797-6536
Hours of Operation:
Tuesday-Thursday: 10:00am - 4:00pm
Friday: By Appointment
Saturday-Monday: CLOSED
Copyright 2024 - Colorado United Soccer. All rights reserved.