Code of Conduct
- Attend all practices, games, and team functions
- Be on time
- Notify the coach in advance if unable to attend or going to be late
- Respect the game, its laws and the officials
- Respect opponents in language and actions
- Be a good winner, show respect and class
- Be gracious in defeat, acknowledge opponents victory and don’t blame others for loss
- Exhibit a positive, never quit, winning attitude
- Play and train at the best of your ability
- Speak positively of your coaches, teammates, and yourself
- Practice your skills on your own
Players Will Not....
- Use profane or vulgar language
- Use drugs other than prescribed by a physician
- Drink alcoholic beverages, or use tobacco products
- Leave a game field, training session, or team function without informing the coach
- Disrespect themselves, officials, coaches or teammates
Code of Conduct Parents
For the good of the players and the game, parents agree to:
- Be encouraging, supportive, and positive to all children; your own, their teammates and opponents
- Respect game officials and accept their decisions
- Support the coach, players, and parents on the team
- Volunteer for the team and/or the club
- Be familiar with the laws of the game
- Comply with the rules, policies and procedures of the club, team and CSA
- Direct my soccer related questions, concerns, and/or comments concerning my son/daughter to the coach of the team, at a time mutually agreed upon, but never immediately before, during or less than 24 hours following a game.
- Fulfill my financial obligation to the club and the team
Parents Will Not...
- Engage in loud, disrespectful, hostile, or unsportsmanlike comments toward an official, coach, player, or spectator. Never approach an official.
- Coach or criticize any player on the team or coach from the sideline
- Engage with or criticize opposing team players
- Interfere with the duties and responsibilities of the coach
- “The possession, consumption, or use of any alcoholic beverage, drug of abuse or controlled substance or the possession or use of any firearm at the field area by any player, coach, referee, team official or spectator prior to, during or after the playing of any Littleton Soccer / Colorado United activity is prohibited. Any individual who violates this prohibition shall be subject to disciplinary action by Littleton Soccer / Colorado United.”
- Act in any manner, which is detrimental to the team, Littleton Soccer, Colorado United Soccer Club or CSA
Code of Conduct Coaches
Coach Responsibilities

Coaches Will:
- Provide a safe and positive environment for all players
- Be a positive role model for players, parents, and opponents
- Demonstrate and teach sportsmanship and fair play in all practices and games
- Show respect for game officials and opponents in all interactions
- Be enthusiastic and encouraging with all players, motivating through positive reinforcement
- Learn and understand the rules of the game
- Comply with the rules, policies and procedures of Colorado United/Littleton Soccer and Colorado Soccer/Littleton Soccer
- Be humble, courteous and respectful in winning or losing
Coaches Will Not...
- Leave a player(s) unattended at practice, a game, or tournament
- Will not allow themselves to be alone with minors
- Will not give out cell number
- Will not message athletes directly or privately
- Engage in loud, hostile, or disrespectful comments toward players, parents, opponents, or officials
- “The possession, consumption, or use of any alcoholic beverage, drug of abuse or controlled substance or the possession or use of any firearm at the field area by any player, coach, referee, team official or spectator prior to, during or after the playing of any Colorado United/Littleton Soccer activity is prohibited. Any individual who violates this prohibition shall be subject to disciplinary action by Colorado United/Littleton Soccer.”
- Act in any manner that is detrimental to Colorado United/Littleton Soccer or the sport